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Why Pet Dentals Aren’t About White Teeth and Bad Breath

Jack Russel

What comes to mind for most people when they think about pet dentals? Improving bad breath and sparkling white teeth, right? While these are big benefits of pet dentals there is something more important to think about that affects your pet’s overall health. Periodontal Disease is the disease of the gums and it can develop … Read moreWhy Pet Dentals Aren’t About White Teeth and Bad Breath

5 Tips to Keeping Your Dog Safe During Fireworks (or thunderstorms)


LEAVE THEM HOME For your dog’s safety and well-being, it is best to leave them home while you enjoy the fireworks. The noise and crowds can become scary and overwhelming. Bring your pets inside and close doggie doors prior to the fireworks starting. Keep them home, keep them safe. GIVE THEM A SAFE PLACE If … Read more5 Tips to Keeping Your Dog Safe During Fireworks (or thunderstorms)

5 truths about Heartworm disease in Dogs and Cats


1) Heartworms are spread by mosquitos A mosquito bites an infected animal and ingests heartworm microfilaria, which is the offspring of an adult heartworm. Over time the heartworm larvae develop. The mosquito bites another animal (like your pet) and spreads the heartworm larvae which become juvenile heartworms. 2) The cost of heartworm treatment is much … Read more5 truths about Heartworm disease in Dogs and Cats

Does your pet have stinky breath? It’s more than bad breath, it’s periodontal disease!


SIGNS OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE IN YOUR PET INCLUDE: Drooling Bad breath Tartar buildup Decreased appetite Inflammation or bleeding of the gums Not wanting to be touched around the face or mouth PERIODONTAL DISEASE CAN LEAD TO: Endocarditis, an infection of the heart, as well as disease of the kidneys and liver. This is some serious … Read moreDoes your pet have stinky breath? It’s more than bad breath, it’s periodontal disease!